Kids Classes
Our Project AIR kids program offers a comprehensive range of classes covering Parkour, Tricking & Freerunning. Enrolments are open to children of 5 years and older (although we may occasionally allow younger students on a trial basis with parental participation).
All new students need to complete an induction session with one of the Project AIR coaches before joining a structured class. The session is designed to take the kids through the basic facility rules / ettiquette, provide and overview of the techniques and allow the team to make a suitable recommendation for the correct set of classes. Our kids induction sessions cost $20 for the hour and are compulsory for all new kids members. Simply contact us to book in a session.
Note: Advanced classes are by coach invitation only.
Tricking (Fundamentals) 6-7pm
Youngsters Parkour (5-7 year-olds) 4-5pm
Parkour (Beginners) 5-6pm
Parkour (Intermediate) 6-7pm
Parkour (Advanced) 7-8pm
Tricking (Advanced) 6-7pm
Youngsters Parkour (5-7 year-olds) 4-5pm
Parkour (Beginners) 5-6pm
Parkour (Intermediate) 6-7pm
Parkour (Advanced) 7-8pm
Open Gym 1-4pm

Ready to get started?
Click here to get started on your movement sports journey. If you need a little more info, check out our Beginners Guide.
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