Project AIR Members App
Reaching New Levels
Take your movement skills to the next level using our Project AIR Members App. This has been custom built to help you reach new heights.
Features include:
Daily Class Checkin
Online Learning Tutorials
Progressive Challenges
Built-in Training Diary
Download the App
Create An Account
Project AIR Members should register for the system using their DebitSuccess ID. Once their account is approved, users will receive email confirmation and will be able to log in via the mobile app, or online using the website.
How to Use
Once your logged in, the Dashboard will contain today's daily classes. Just tap on a class to checkin to that session. This adds the class to your training diary, enabling you to read & share notes from the session and track topics covered.
There are sections for online learning as well as goal setting and analytics regarding your training progress.
Youth & Family Memberships
Youth & Teens classes also require booking via the Members App. Parents / guardians can check in their children directly, by creating both their own account and accounts for any children using the same DebitSuccess ID as required.
Minors can be registered under the main account by clicking on the following links:
Members Profile > Update Details > Add Dependant

Ready to get started?
Click here to get started on your movement sports journey. If you need a little more info, check out our Beginners Guide.
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