Frequently Asked Questions
How do I go about getting into Tricking / Free-Running / Parkour?
The best way forward is to have a good read through our Beginners Guide. Once you've done that, get in touch and book in for either a free trial class (Adults) or an induction session (Kids / Teens). We offer the opportunity to get a first-hand experience of the gym and culture before signing up. The class instructor will be able answer any questions you might have, and you will get a good feel for the training environment.
Do I require any specialist gear? What else do I need to bring?
For all classes, we recommend bringing a towel and a waterbottle. For the Parkour & Free-Running classes, running sneakers or similar appropriate footwear are required. The only other thing you really need is to wear some comfortable workout clothes - preferably older as it's always possible that they may get stretched or ripped over the course of training.
Can I come in / pay for a one-off session?
We welcome casual visits during our Open Gym sessions, and the casual rate is $20 per session. During our class times our focus is dedicated to providing the best possible experience for our members.
How do I enrol my kid(s) into classes? Does the induction session cost?
All new kids members are required to have an induction session with one of the Project AIR coaches. The session is designed to take the kids through the basic facility rules / ettiquette, provide and overview of the techniques and allow the team to make a suitable recommendation for the correct set of classes. Our kids induction sessions cost $20 for the hour and are compulsory for all new kids members.
Are there any competitions?
Tricking & Parkour both originated as non-competitive sports - however modern practitioners have been exploring multiple different competitions formats (such as Obstacle Racing / Ninja Warrior) and using the skills developed in training. New Zealand has traditionally been playing catchup in this regard, but there have been some recent developments in the competitive scene here - we recommend talking to your class coach to see what options are available for you.
Should I be doing any supplementary training?
It depends on your goals - those serious about reaching a professional level of athleticism should look at adding supplementary training to their weekly schedule. However, for students undertaking casual or non-competitive training then supplementary classes are not a requirement, and you will still get increased skill and physical benefits from the regular classes.
What does the training etiquette / gym culture involve?
We do our best to uphold an ideal learning environment for our members, balancing the creative, social, modern aspects of movement sports with the traditional discipline and culture. Have a read through our Gym Rules before starting class.
How does a class normally run?
Our classes will generally involve a quick warmup, a technical component (specific movements or techniques), and a live practice or an interactive game.
Are you open during the holidays?
Yes - our Kid's class programme runs through the school term breaks, save for a 2 week closure from Christmas to the New Year. We also have numerous school holiday workshops running throughout the term break.
All formal classes are post-poned for Public Holidays.
How much does it cost?
We have several different membership options available - you can view all the variations and prices over on our signup page.
How do I update contact info, payment details or cancel my membership?
To make changes to contact or payment details, or for enquiries regarding membership term or cancellation simply email or contact DebitSuccess via phone or email. Please have your Project AIR registration number (on your profile page in the members app) handy and/or full name of account. Please note that we have a maximum period of 90 days suspension in a calendar year, as well as a 10 day notice period required for cancellations.
Will my membership be put on hold over summer holidays?
No; your membership is an annualised cost broken out into even weekly payments throughout the year. Youth members have continued access to open gym sessions and discounted holiday programmes throughout the break.